Educational Standards
Standards and our Curriculum
The Mid-continent Research for Education & Learning (McREL) has performed among the most comprehensive analyses of different state standards in the area of Life Skills and generated a well-reputed hybrid model that integrates standards and benchmarks for grades K-12. Those that relate to The Mosaic Project’s curriculum are referenced below. We offer this standards review to situate our curriculum in the larger professional arena of multicultural, character, and life skills education, and to support educators in understanding how The Mosaic Project’s curriculum can support a wide array of learning objectives.
Life Skills & Self-Regulation
Standard 2: Performs self-appraisal
Standard 3: Considers risks
Standard 4: Demonstrates perseverance
Standard 5: Maintains a healthy self-concept
Standard 6: Restrains impulsivity
Life Skills & Working with Others
Standard 1: Contributes to the overall effort of a group
Standard 2: Uses conflict-resolution techniques
Standard 3: Works well with diverse individuals and in diverse situations
Standard 4: Displays effective interpersonal communication skills
Physical Education
Standard 5: Understands the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical activity
Behavioral Studies
Standard 4: Understands conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and institutions
Standard 11: Understands the role of diversity in American life and the importance of shared values, political beliefs, and civic beliefs in an increasingly diverse American society
Thinking & Reasoning
Standard 3: Effectively uses mental processes that are based on identifying similarities and differences
Standard 5: Applies basic troubleshooting and problem-solving techniques
Standard 1: Sings, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
California Academic Standards and the In-School Project
The Mosaic In-School Project was created to complement our Outdoor Project and work toward the promotion of peace, mutual understanding, and conflict resolution. By introducing Mosaic lessons and skills from the very beginning of elementary school, and cultivating them throughout the grade levels, this curriculum not only sets the stage for and reinforces the learning of the students who attend our Outdoor Project, but it infuses Mosaic values and skill-sets into school cultures at large and improves the overall climate of our partner schools.
The In-School curriculum integrates and fulfills many California teaching standards and is designed to be developmentally relevant and appropriate. Using fun and experiential activities and lessons, Mosaic lessons support students in becoming more socially and emotionally literate and adept, while deepening their appreciation for diversity and justice, and cultivating empathy, teamwork, conflict resolution skills. Teachers have consistently reported that their classrooms feel safer and more inclusive in the wake of Mosaic programs.
Specifically, Mosaic lessons directly fulfill multiple California standards in the following categories: Growth and Development; Mental and Emotional Health; Personal and Community Health; and Injury Prevention and Safety.
The standards that our curriculum directly integrates include:
1.3.G Name ways in which people are similar and ways in which they are different.
1.6.S Describe school rules about getting along with others.
1.7.S Recognize the characteristics of bullying.
1.1.M Identify a variety of emotions.
4.1.M Show how to express personal needs and wants appropriately.
4.2.M Cooperate and share with others.
7.1.M Express emotions appropriately.
7.2.M Describe positive ways to show care, consideration, and concern for others.
First Grade
1.3.G Identify a variety of behaviors that promote healthy growth and development.
1.6.S Explain the importance of telling an adult if someone is in danger or being bullied.
1.12.S Define simple conflict resolution techniques.
1.13.S Identify refusal skills when in personal-safety situations (e.g., use a clear “no” statement, walk or run away, change subject, delay).
5.2.S Identify the benefits of using nonviolent means to resolve conflicts.
8.1.S Encourage others to practice safe behaviors in the classroom and on the playground.
1.7.P Discuss how individual behavior affects the environment and community.
4.2.P Demonstrate effective communication skills in an emergency situation.
1.1.M Describe a variety of emotions.
1.6.M Identify feelings and emotions associated with loss or grief.
1.7.M Discuss how to show respect for similarities and differences between and among individuals and groups.
1.8.M List healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship, and concern.
1.9.M Identify positive and negative ways of dealing with stress.
1.10.M Describe how to work and play cooperatively.
Second Grade
1.1.M Describe a variety of emotions.
1.7.M Discuss how to show respect for similarities and differences between and among individuals and groups.
1.8.M List healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship, and concern.
1.10.M Describe how to work and play cooperatively.
1.11.M. Identify the positive ways that peers and family members show support, care, and appreciation for one another.
1.12.M Describe the characteristics of a trusted friend and adult.
2.1.M Identify internal and external factors that influence mental, emotional, and social health.
4.1.M Identify and demonstrate ways to express needs and wants appropriately.
6.1.M Describe how to make a commitment to be a good friend.
7.1.M Manage emotions appropriately in a variety of situations.
7.2.M Show respect for individual differences.
8.1.M Object appropriately to teasing of peers that is based on personal characteristics.
8.2.M Support peers in school and community activities.
5.1.M Use a decision-making process for solving problems with peers and family members.
6.1.M Describe how to make a commitment to be a good friend.
7.1.M Manage emotions appropriately in a variety of situations.
7.2.M Show respect for individual differences.
8.1.M Object appropriately to teasing of peers that is based on personal characteristics.
8.2.M Support peers in school and community activities.
Third Grade
4.2.G Identify how to show respect for individual differences.
8.1.G Encourage peers to show respect for others regardless of differences in growth and development.
1.1.M Describe examples of healthy social behaviors (e.g., helping others, being respectful of others, cooperation, consideration).
4.1.M Demonstrate how to communicate directly, respectfully, and assertively regarding personal boundaries.
8.1.M Promote a positive and respectful school environment.
8.2.M Object appropriately to teasing of peers and family members that is based on personal characteristics.
8.3.M Demonstrate the ability to support and respect people with differences.
Fourth Grade
1.2.S Identify behaviors that may lead to conflict with others.
1.3.S Describe the different types of bullying and harassment.
1.4.S Examine the effects of bullying and harassment on others.
1.18.S Explain how courtesy, compassion, and respect toward others reduce conflict and promote nonviolent behavior.
2.1.S Analyze how emotions contribute to both safe and violent behaviors.
4.1.S Demonstrate the ability to use refusal skills in risky situations.
4.2.S Practice effective conflict resolution techniques with others.
4.3.S Report bullying, harassment, and other dangerous situations.
4.5.S Demonstrate what to say and do when witnessing bullying.
5.2.S Examine the consequences of bullying and harassment.
5.3.S Analyze the benefits of using nonviolent means to resolve conflicts.
4.1.A Demonstrate refusal skills to resist the pressure to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Fifth and Sixth Grade
1.6.P Explain that all individuals have a responsibility to protect and preserve the environment.
5.1.P Use a decision-making process to determine personal choices that promote personal, environmental, and community health.
1.1.S Explain methods to reduce conflict, harassment, and violence.
2.2.S Analyze influences on both safe and violent behaviors.
7.1.S Practice ways to resolve conflicts nonviolently.
8.2.S Promote a bully-free school and community environment.
1.4.M Describe the importance of being aware of one’s emotions.
1.5.M Describe the importance of being empathetic to individual differences, including people with disabilities and chronic diseases.
1.7.M Describe the importance of setting personal boundaries for privacy, safety, and expressions of emotions and opinions.
1.8.M Describe the similarities between types of violent behaviors (e.g., bullying, hazing, fighting, and verbal abuse).
1.9.M Discuss the harmful effects of violent behaviors.
4.2.M Describe how prejudice, discrimination, and bias can lead to violence.
4.3.M Demonstrate ways to communicate respect for diversity.
4.4.M Demonstrate the ability to use steps of conflict resolution.
5.3.M Compare and contrast being angry and angry behavior, and discuss the consequences.
7.3.M Practice appropriate ways to respect and include others who are different from oneself.
7.4.M Demonstrate how to use self-control when angry.
8.1.M Encourage a school environment that is respectful of individual differences.
8.2.M Object appropriately to teasing or bullying of peers that is based on personal characteristics and perceived sexual orientation.