Mosaic YLP Virtual Graduation
The Mosaic Youth Leadership Virtual Graduation
In Honor of the Class of 2020
Commencement Speaker/Singer:
The Honorable Brett Dennen, Mosaic Resident Rock Star Emeritus
Friday, May 29, 2020, 6:30-7:30pm
The Honorable Brett Dennen, Mosaic Resident Rock Star Emeritus
We are extremely proud of the hard work our Mosaic seniors have demonstrated throughout their high school career. In addition to their academic accomplishments, they also found the time to teach 4th and 5th grade students from all over the Bay how to be peace-builders in their schools and communities. They are truly the magic of Mosaic! We would like to show our appreciation for their hard work in school, as well as their ineffable contribution to a more peaceful world, by hosting the very first EVER Youth Leadership Project Virtual Graduation Celebration!
The Conflict Resolution College Dean of Students will bless us all with a brief, yet profound welcome, and we will also have a very special treat with Brett Dennen as our Commencement Speaker/Singer. Put on your cap and gown, or onesie, and we’ll see you there!
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